Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Personal vs Professional

                                             Now that I have your attention...

Where do you draw the line with facebook? I recently watched a short film on how facebook is rapidly taking over our lives and we don’t even know it. It stated that relationships go down the crapper because of it and relationships start because of it (in the odd case). Most of all it talked about on how much information we share on the famous site facebook.

Now that you have thought about what you have shared on facebook, it brings me to talk about the biggest piece of information going around. Did you EVERYONE can see what you put on facebook, it’s not as private as you think. Potential employers can see all of your pictures, statuses, EVERYTHING even if it’s deleted.

I have many questions when it comes to this topic. Why would employers or even potential employees want to know what you’re doing in your free time? Aren’t you a right to an outside life? Now in days I’m not so sure and I’m wondering why? I feel like your personal life and your professional lives are two different things. Face it, we ALL act differently when we are at work because we want to keep our jobs and we know the difference between the two. For some reason though employers don’t know the difference and they think that they all tie into one.

Think about it, if you want to have just a social gathering and god for bid there is a glass of wine  (which you can get a glass of wine at ANY place now...) in the picture there is a possibility that you will be fired. If you watch the video regarding a schoolteacher, who has been employed with this school for two years I might add, was fired over a facebook picture. All because she posted some pictures from a vacation.

                                                                 These are it... 

Again I just don’t understand on how in society these days everyone is CONSTENTLY worried on how social media will f**k up your life. As I have stated before, we know how to have two separate lives, so why can’t employers let us do that, live TWO SEPARATE lives.

That would be awesome. 

I think people need to stop worrying about what other people think. Yes, it is important with the line of work that I would like to get into but I still don’t see the connection on how they can judge me on my facebook page when they don’t even know me.

Another thing they mentioned in the short film I watched was that not all the pictures are as they appear. You don’t know the situation about each picture that is on a person’s facebook page, nor should an employer/potential employee’s. I feel like if you are a good employee, you show up on time, you make the company money, you’re doing something you love/good at, what’s the problem if someone wants to go out for a night on the town once in awhile, god for bid everyone deserves one. Some times people want to remember that night on how awesome it felt to be alive and childish for once in their grown up lives.  

No, they can’t because the world is run by the “man.” 

The man doesn’t like what they see, judges you and you are either fired or not eligible for a job/promotion. 
So fellow bloggers/citizens I will ask you again, where do YOU draw the line with facebook?

Friday, 11 November 2011

The New Kid In Town

"It's better to except less and over deliver, than except too much and under deliver," stated Ricardo Guiliani. Today there was a super star panel of men and women who are experianced in the field of work we all want. It began with them individually introducing themselves and telling us what NOT to do in our work placement. After we asked our questions as a class, the mentors came to the little groups we were in to get more in depths with their line of work.

The mentor my group recived was Ricardo Guiliani; he's 25 years old, orignially from Brazil and his title is Marketing/Design Coordinator at Rogers Wireless Express. He was the one who came up with the name for the Orchestra CMS softwear. This man knows what he's talking about for only being 25 years old, he already has a profile as well. Everything he said about his experiences was fantastic, I feel like he should be a motivational speaker. His knowledge was interesting; with him coming to Canada from Brazil was a HUGE change. He told us that it took him awhile to get a firm understaning of the English language. He expressed his concern in the beginning with the language only because Ricardo couldn't hold a conversation for very long. You have to think about the translation AND what your thought was.

Ricardo told us that we shouldn't take our profressors for granted. "Listen to what the have to say, learn from them." He also mentioned for us to ask as many questions as we can, they are always a good idea. Time management was another topic that was touched upon. You have to prepare yourself and take note of everything around you, showing up to class isn't enough; you should try to find volenteer work as well. That will most likely get your foot in the door and it will make you feel good about yourself.

I have learned so much about the business side of things from Ricardo. He is the type of person I would like to keep in touch with. As I said before, for only being a 25 year old he sure has a handle on things in his life. I wish him the best of luck with everything.

Thank you  Ricardo Guiliani for being inspirational, hard working and a dedicated man.

                                                      Who am I 

Friday, 4 November 2011

Here’s Your Chance, Use It Wisely

How do I get my product noticed? Just make a good product and it should just sell, easier the said than done right? Well I’m going to give you some tips on how to sell your product and before you know it your product will me flying off the shelf’s.

Remember this is what you DON'T want to do!

The design of your product has to be memorable, meaning that people should look at the logo and just know what your product is. An example of a good logo is Kraft Peanut Butter, with the two bears; EVERYONE knows what name brand that is. This is a KEY point to know when you’re trying to sell a product. On top of that you should make sure you have key colours. When you’re advertising your product some key colours you should use would be colours that you think your product portrays. It stands out and it makes you remember what the product is.

Choose your colour

You also have to make sure that you have a decent price. It has to be enough that you make profit and people think it’s the “real deal.” This is where math comes into play. You have to think on how much it will cost you to distribute the product and then how much it will cost to make. Come to a conclusion with the price after you have thought of those KEY points.  

Now after your product is a success and everyone knows it you can move on to the next step. This is branching out to other products. So say for example your product was Nestle, they have chocolate bars, which branched into a ice cream line. You have to learn how to expand. First you need to get your product/name brand out there in the public. How would you get your name/product out in the world and make it successful?

Friday, 28 October 2011

I'm Going To Treat You Right

IMC is mainly a hands-on course. You learn a lot through all your senses such as seeing, hearing, touching etc. Have you ever wondered what it was like to work in an Advertising field?

My days in the IMC program, I have come to realize that there is a lot that needs to be done all at once. It is fast paced and always changing. You need to be able to keep up with your workload, or you will eventually fall on your butt. Not saying that you will, but you should take this seriously if you feel you want to be in this field for a while.

Here are a few tips on staying on track:
1)   Keep a day planner
2)   Transfer what you put in your day planner to a wall calendar at home
3)   Have dividers in your binder
4)   Use sticky notes (they will be your best friend)
6)   Plan ahead/prioritize/schedule your time
7)   Study 2-7 day in advance
8)   Do your reading assignments
9)   Create a study group -tip- make sure its with people that are willing to work
10)  SLEEP IS IMPORTANT, but not in class

This is just to get you on your feet. If you follow these tips you should remain fine, if not, you could always switch fields or good luck in the real world.
You’re constantly seeing, hearing, talking with the public, creating new designs and learning new things EVERYDAY.

 I know that advertising is where I want to be in life. Most days are better than others, but sometimes you just have to think positive and know that this is what you want.  Work your ass off in this industry and you’ll be fine.

So tell me, is this what you really want?

Friday, 21 October 2011

Blame it on the Pop...

Music, we all like it, we love different styles of it. We argue over it, it brings us closer together. It makes you feel it makes you and individual. You see the world in a different light when you think of music. Music makes you free and full of different emotions that you just sit there and take it all in.

There are so many things that I feel when I think of the word music. I feel love, inspiration, hate, and death, just conquering the world. This is why in commercials they use music in any they can. Just to try and get you feeling a certain way for that specific commercial. It’s weird when you think of it, where would we be today if the world didn’t have music? I think we would all be lost.

Nobody would understand on how we feel in this world, or how alone we are, or even how in love we are and we just want to shout our feelings from a rooftop to let people know that we are here and this is how we feel. Instead we have music, which shows us that people do care for us and that they do know what we are thinking or even feeling at that specific moment in our lives.

What do you feel when you think of the word music? Just think for a moment, give yourself the time to listen to one of your favorite songs and just feel the music. Let me know what you feel, think, anything you see when you hear or think of music.

                                            Maybe this will help you find YOUR song :) 

Friday, 14 October 2011

Fibre Makes Me Sad

Have you ever watched a commercial and ever thought who in the world thought of this? Why would they use that wording, that format and finding yourself having many questions?

 In commercials like the Fiber One Snake Bar, the guy complains because his wife tells him he needs a little more fiber in his diet. His response is “ fiber makes me sad… I mean why not just eat this bag?” I don’t know about you but when I first saw this, I made fun of it and even till this day I still do. Who says in their daily lives, “fiber makes me sad?” I’ll give them points on catching my attention with using that wording but still you have to think that was probably a long night for those writers that they resorted to saying fiber makes me sad.

 What about Old Spice commercials? The one where he asks a lot of questions one right after another with answers. “Does your man look like me? No. So, ladies should your man smell like an Old Spice man? You tell me.” Really how many people do you think that script and vision went through?  You have to sit back and wonder sometimes on what was actually going through that person’s mind to say “yup, that is AWESOME, lets work on that and make it come to life!”

All I’m saying is make more commercials on that ACTUALLY catch people’s attention and don’t take the easy way out. Think outside the box of trying to be silly. I see a lot of commercials and think, wow that was really creative. Yet I look at silly commercials like the Fiber one and Old Spice Ones and think what the…? They just took the easy way out. The sad thing is, they may be silly but they do catch your attention and as much as I don’t like them, I do secretly love them. You just need to think more outside of the box more.
My question to you, how would you make a commercial?

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Welcome to the World My Friend...

Girls, Girls, Boys, Girls, Girls = imperfection

When you see this statement what do you think? Is it true, is it fauls, is this you? I know this is me. When you look through the magazines and you see ads for hair and make up products etc, what do you tell yourself? I know what you say, “why don’t I look like that? Maybe if I was like that, people would notice me, I’d feel better about myself…”

Creepy how I know that huh?

It’s because you’re not alone, even I think this on a regular basis. This is just to show you how powerful the media is today and how much time they think and plan on how they can throw our weaknesses in our faces. It’s not right. I try not to think about the pain inside. You have to do the same. Stand up to the media and tell them how you feel.

Question to the media: Why would you do this to weak teens who are still trying to find themselves? You can ask a million and one questions but you will ALWAYS get the same answer, because we can, it sells our product(s).

Now, I know I’m not the greatest writer but, all I’m really trying to say is that you HAVE to try and look the other way when someone in the media or anyone at all in the matter, tells you you’re not great the way you are. You are beautiful on the inside and out.

Think it, apply it, and believe it J

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Angles or Demands?

 Say hello to adulthood my fellow peers. High school had some good times but now, it's time to grow up, but not compleatly. It's just that now deadlines are actually on the line and our printers run out of ink more than ever at this point. Take a deep breath and think, this going to be in my future, I know right, not the greatest thought but it's true.

The first two weeks of the rest of my life has been a little bit stressful. New environment, new people, new teachers and hell, just a huge change in general, I've never been away from home. Then again it's been fantastic. The teachers are understanding and willing to help, everyone in the class has been starting to warm up, and the work load well, is actually fun from time to time. I found myself  actually talking to people, laughing, smiling, it just felt right. It felt like I made the right program choice.
The class I can never get enough of is Robin's Computer class. Right now we're working on imovies in the Mac lab. This is the class where I could spend all day just pouring my creative ideas into a short "movie." It's an amazing creative outlet, not only for myself but I find that the class is enjoying it as well which makes an awesome working environment.

This is what I have been going through the past two weeks, I feel like I started a new life. Right now it's all Angles but then again, tomorrow is always a new day.
How do you feel about adulthood, any advice?